Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ugh it is so hard on trying to decide what to do. i am so excited for the play performances!!! its hard work but worth it.(: i cant wait to be a jetette! i am so ecited i made new friends that are all on Jetettes and kali will be on it with me and lisa. i hope that it is the right thing and that my parents will understand me. i feel like they dont and dont want me to do it. but ive never wanted anything so bad. its really hard. but i am going to do it! i cant wait! (: now i need to help my mom take down decorations. otherwise she will get ticked and yell at me: "thats what your going to do if your on jetetts?!" "then you shouldnt do it." But even if i wasen't on the team i would be doing the EXACT same thing when i am! So what is the difference?:/

1 comment:

  1. The difference is YOU should be the best person you can be with or without Jettetes, because YOU want to. Mom wants the best for you, silly! And I think you should know that mom does want you to do Jettetes. She told me herself. What she doesn't want is for you not to realize how much responsibility it takes to be a part of the team. So get on it and prove it to her why don't ya! :)
